








An excellent website is important for a good first impression and we have to say nailed it in this respect. The company also seems to have a good record that they are happy to advertise, such as a 9.8/10 rating. We were curious as to whether this rating was true and whether their service was actually that good. Here’s our review of the service offered by

Provided Services

To start this Ninja Essays review, we had a look at the services offered by the company. We noticed that the company provides a number of services. You can get the usual essay writing, dissertation writing and research paper writing from the company. They also offer additional services.

This can be seen in their services page where they state they even work on case studies as well as PowerPoint presentations for their clients. They also offer proofreading and editing services for anyone that needs it.

What impressed us about the service is how segmented it is. For instance, you don’t have to order an entire dissertation paper. You can only have certain pages if you can’t afford the budget.

Prices and Discounts

The minimum price offered by NinjaEssay is $19.99 for an essay. The prices charged by the company are divided into 3 tiers: standard, premium and quality. The standard tier being the most affordable of the 3. Another factor that determines the price you pay is the urgency of the project.

The sooner you need it, the higher the cost. What we noticed during this Ninja Essays review is that the company understand that students don’t have a lot of disposable income, this is why they offer plenty of discounts.

For starters, you get a 15% discount on your first order. You also get additional discounts the more pages you order from them overtime. 


This is the most important part of this review. You don’t want to get a term paper (that you paid for) that gives you bad grades. Based on the comparison with other similar sites, feedback and testimonials of their customers and the rating, it’s safe to say that NinjaEssay is good at what it does.

With that said, we decided to try the service ourselves to see if they’re actually good. The results were good. The paper was delivered on time and it was well researched. It definitely looks like a paper written by a Masters student.

Online reputation

We do agree with the online rating provided by ninja essays on their website. They deserve a 4.95/5 without a doubt. The service is good and this shows as you read online reviews regarding the service. We also were happy with the 24/7 customer support that the company has. They responded to our queries nicely and were very friendly.


With the 15% starter discount, ninja essays has the best essay writing services. It’s the place to visit if you’re looking for a service that will help you with your assignments and theses. Their writers are Masters level and PhD students. 

The customer support is great and the writers are exemplary as well. After conducting this review, we can confidently say that the company has a good reputation and has plenty of discounts that make the service pocket-friendly for students. 

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