







There is no doubt on the general perception that speedypaper.com has one of the simplest and interactive websites in the league of custom writing service providers. Speedy paper is known for transparency in refund policy. Services offered cut across all grades including high school, undergraduates, master, and Ph. D.

Unfortunately, the description on the website as “best price for the highest quality” is far from the truth. These are feedback from clients who had engaged speedypaper services. You can’t successfully order for a paper at the company without complaint. Many speedy paper reviews reveal that there is no perfect job at the company.

Provided Services

Services provided by the company includes specific software assignments like SPSS, STATA and C++. The company can write from scratch and can edit, proofread, solve problem questions, rewrite, paraphrase and solve various multiple-choice questions. The company also engages in dissertation and thesis, critical thinking, assignment, research paper and business plan.

Prices and Discounts

There is a list of prices on the website. The prices are based on the educational level of the client, deadline and the type of service ordered. Speedypaper.com doesn’t have on its website any provision for discount either first-timers or loyal customers.

The prices are calculated according to the number of pages. This is relatively normal in comparison with other custom writing service websites.

Speedypaper bills about $92 for a four-page undergraduate essay writing within 24hours. It’s obvious that no average student can afford the services of this company. If you want to pay for it, you can be limited by the price. The deadline for services is between 6 hours to 14 days. The price increases based on the urgency and the academic level. The least price is $9 for a high school one-page essay.


You would think the quality of work on the company’s website will be great because of the representation on the testimonials page. The quality is nothing to write home about. Speedy paper review by clients on the quality of the services is subjective and unstable.

The word “speedy” doesn’t exist in their work ethics. If you must order for any paper at the company, you must exercise patience. The papers are usually delivered late and the output so generic. It is clear from available reviews that the output can easily earn you an “F”.

Online Reputation

Based on different speedy paper reviews, it is clear that the company has no reputation for quality service. Rating by clients is around 3 to 3.3/10. Although the company runs a 24/7 live chat, you may wait for days without any response to complaints. These are some of the factors responsible for the company’s low performance in this speedy paper review.


Speedy paper will definitely not make the list of top essay writing services reviews. The prices of services at this company are fairly affordable but the quality of paper is not guaranteed. At speedy paper, you may not get value for your money. This review shows that services at the company are risky.

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